Ever See a Palm Leaf Box?
Joji e-mailed me today to tell me that the long awaited palm leaf boxes had arrived to enable the children to keep their clothes packed tidily. Here is the text of his e-mail:
After long waiting finally the palm leaf boxes arrived to the hostel for the use of children. Clara, during her stay in hostel she prepared boxes for the children with thick sheets, pasted colored cloth and made attractive boxes for the children to keep their clothes in. After using them for one year, those boxes were torn and the need for new boxes arose, hence this time we opted for another type of boxes made with palm leaves. They are very cheap ( Five boxes for One Euro)with lids on the top to cover and these boxes were made by rural artisans from the areas where the hostel children hail from. Though they are very light weight with flexibility, they occupy lot of place, needed to spend the money (more than the cost of boxes) fortransportation and hence one of the father of our hostel children (Uma) who is a laborer in sand and stone transportation truck, brought the boxes at free of cost. In order to avoid disputes among children the numbers were given through lottery and the boxes were given to them accordingly. The children, after drying all their clothes for a day on Sunday, they arranged all their clothes in their new palm leaf boxes. Now the hall also looks very tidy and neat and children are very happy.